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LabOps Unite Community

Ensuring the smooth operation of a biotech or pharmaceutical lab is a duty without parallel — or wide relatability. When LabOps pros encounter setbacks or hurdles, there aren’t many resources to consult. So we started it.
LabOps Unite is a global community of over 1100 operations professionals who join forces to trade ideas, offer counsel, and discuss relevant developments with their colleagues across industries and around the world.
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Why Join?

  • Vendor Agnostic Member Space - Get access to our mobilize member area for member discussions and open forum about anything LabOps. Receive honest feedback about experiences and/or referrals from members, not salespeople
  • Content - Monthly Webinars, Leadership Conferences, Access to live conversations & polls
  • Cost - No cost. Membership is free for verified LabOps Professionals
  • Local network - We have over 7 chapters where you can expand your local network

Apply Now

In order to maintain the integrity of our member base, membership requires application and approval. Apply today to begin trading ideas.

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© LabOps Unite Inc. 2023